

BioMax3D Hypoallergenic Splints
BioMax3D Hypoallergenic Splints

BioMax3D Hypoallergenic Splints

The semi-translucent thermoplastic resin does not absorb water and is resistant to stains, bacteria, and odors.

DayLite Thin Feather-Weight Splint
DayLite Thin Feather-Weight Splint

DayLite Thin Feather-Weight Splint

The thin polypropylene-ethylene copolymer stent is formed over the digital model with acrylic added to generate occlusion. This feather-weight day guard is fabricated on the lower arch.

Diamond3D PMMA
Diamond3D PMMA

Diamond3D PMMA

Our milled, fully-digital PMMA night guard is crystal clear, thin and lightweight, yet strong.

DuraBite3D Digital Hard Acrylic Splint
DuraBite3D Digital Hard Acrylic Splint

DuraBite3D Digital Hard Acrylic Splint

This new milled acetal resin guard is extremely strong and wear-resistant.

Lower Nightguard
Lower Nightguard

Lower Nightguard

Lower Repositioning Splint
Lower Repositioning Splint

Lower Repositioning Splint

A lower acrylic appliance designed to open the bite and reposition jaws to achieve an ideal TMJ relationship. This hard acrylic appliance has an anterior incline plane to guide the lower jaw into position.

NTI Splint
NTI Splint

NTI Splint

This anterior NTI splint is designed to deprogram occlusion by separating and holding posterior teeth apart. The anterior platform acts as a stop to keep teeth out of occlusion.

Proforce3D Nightguard
Proforce3D Nightguard

Proforce3D Nightguard

Our latest 3D printed material is designed for clear, rigid nightguards. This resin is durable, abrasion resistant and easy to clean.

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Soft Splint
Soft Splint

Soft Splint

This pressure formed polyethylene material provides a soft biting surface to give relief from bruxism and TMJ pain. The thin clear vinyl offers a temporary solution for transitioning into hard acrylic.